Fr. Bernardino Bucci, a Capuchin Friar, wrote " The Family Memories" of Luisa Piccarreta, who was known as "Luisa la Santa.” Luisa, known as a mystic, but a mystic that cannot be compared to any other mystic within the church. Because of her acceptance of physical and spiritual sufferings, she obtained a deep intimacy with Jesus. Luisa was known and visited by several friars, (Fr. Fedele from Montescaglioso, Fr. Guglielmo from Barletta, Fr. Salvatore from Corato, Fr. Terenzio from Campi Salentina, Fr. Daniele from Triggiano, Fr. Antonio from Stigliano, Fr. Giuseppe from Francavilla Fontana, to mention but a few), who were able to communicate to her a love for Franciscan Spirituality, and from her they learned a love for Christ and a commitment for entering into God's Will...
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Now it is necessary that you Luisa to rise (to Heaven) and carry with you Luisa, My Life, My Divine Will, so that My Volition of the earth and that of Heaven May Fuse Together, and you Luisa, may Live for some time in the womb of the Divinity (in Heaven), where your volition shall be acting in Mine, in order to expand it as much as a creature can be capable of. Then, you Luisa, shall descend again upon the earth, bringing the Power and the Prodigies of My Divine Will on earth, in such a way that the creatures shall be Shaken, they shall Open their eyes, and many shall Know what it means to Live In My Divine Will - to Live In The Likeness to their Creator. This shall be the Beginning of the Coming of My Kingdom upon earth, and of the Final Fulfillment of My Divine Will. Amen.